Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians

Red Lake is the largest community and the center of the Reservation activity and commerce. The Tribal offices and services are located there, along with a hospital, nursing home, three public schools and a parochial school, the Archives and Library, a day care, a grocery store, and a laundromat. Red Lake Nation proposes to provide as many tribal citizens with broadband connectivity through two processes. First, with broadband services through direct payment with Red Lake of past due billing and credit for future services monthly until the funding has commenced. An application process would be made available for tribal citizens to apply for the assistance through Oshkiimaajitahdah. The second process would be through the purchase of laptops and docking stations to be made available through locations throughout the reservation including Oshkiimaajitahdah and the 4 community centers.


White Earth Reservation Tribal Council


The REAL Minneapolis